Read below to familiarize yourself with South Campus Common’s policies. Refer to the Resident Handbook to learn how to have a great experience while living here at SCC, including information about emergency preparedness, student conduct, and various leasing-related concerns.
Please also reference the lease for more information.
For additional information, please consult the UMD Policies website.
Responsible Action Policy
Please refer to the table below and click on the attached link to read about UMD’s “Promoting Responsible Action in Medical Emergencies regarding alcohol consumption.
Missing Persons Policy
All residents have the ability to register information for an individual who should be informed in the event the resident is determined to be missing.
Any time that staff members receive a report (e.g. from a roommate, friend, or parent) that a resident has been out of contact and unreachable by phone, email, etc., our staff will take steps to respond to the report. Actions will include attempting to contact the missing student and notifying the University Of Maryland Department Of Public Safety and the Resident Life duty system about the missing student.
Under federal law, you have the right to confidentially register with Resident Life and the University the name and contact information of an individual who you would like to have contacted (within 24 hours) if it is determined that you have been missing from the campus and your whereabouts unknown for a period of 24 hours or more.
If you want to take advantage of this option, send the name and phone number of your identified contact by email to reslife@umd.edu or by fax to 301.314.9750. All requests must be made in writing.
Note: For students under the age of 18 (who are not emancipated individuals), federal law requires the university to notify your custodial parent or guardian (within 24 hours) if it is determined that you have been missing from the campus and your whereabouts unknown for a period of 24 hours or more.
Emergency Contact Information
Each year at move-in, we ask residents to complete an emergency information card so that if something were to happen, we could notify parents/guardians. As we know that people move and change their telephone numbers, please remember to update this information with us and on MyDRL so that our information is accurate.
Elevator Usage
Each of our buildings has at least one elevator. Accessible via your UMD ID card for security purposes, the elevators go to each of the floors in the buildings that they serve. In order to keep them functioning, and to prevent you from having to use the stairs, please treat them with care.
Renter’s Insurance
Many tenants rely on parents’ homeowners insurance policies for protection while residing at South Campus Commons. Be sure to check your policy first as many will only provide partial coverage for personal property of the tenant. Renters insurance covers personal property as well as damage to the property for which a tenant may be liable. Renters insurance policies also tend to carry lower premiums.
You may benefit from speaking with an agent when selecting a policy, as some features of our properties could lower rates. Agents may also recommend other protective measures for your apartment that will lower the rates and further your protection. Some policies also cover listed property outside the apartment.
Click here for an informational pamphlet on renters insurance. South Campus Commons does not specifically endorse the company in the provided pamphlet. We provide this for informational purposes only to aid in your insurance-provider research.