

Mailboxes are located next to the Service Desk of the Buildings 1, 3, and 6. Please make sure that friends, family, and associates know your correct building address– improperly addressed mail is considered misdirected and may not be able to be delivered. Packages and overflow mail are received at the Service Desk. However, packages that are not picked up within a two-week period will be returned to sender. It is also important to have your email set up in order to receive notification that a package has been delivered.

New residents can begin receiving packages as of August 22 through the end of their lease. An email notification is sent when a package is received. Be sure to set up your account through Testudo so that you can get these notifications. When you retrieve a package from the Service Desk, be sure to bring your photo ID so that your package can be released to you.

Your Address Should Be Written As Follows:

Your Name
Address, Apartment Number and Letter
College Park, MD 20740

Building Addresses Are As Follows:

Building 1: 4250 Lehigh Rd.
Building 2: 7524 Calvert Service Ln.
Building 3: 4318 Knox Rd.
Building 4: 4310 Knox Rd.
Building 5: 6903 Preinkert Dr.
Building 6: 6901 Preinkert Dr.
Building 7: 6801 Preinkert Dr.

NOTE: The United States Postal Service, not campus mail, serves South Campus Commons. Thus, mail to or from campus will require postage in order to be delivered.

 Mail Forwarding

We recommend that filing a change of address with the Post Office when you move in and move out of your apartment to minimize the interruption of mail service.

Upon move-out, please complete a Change of Address form in a local Post Office or online at the USPS website (There is a $1.00 service fee charged by USPS for completing the Online Change of Address process.)